Lower-Order and Higher-Order Centrality Correlations in Real-World Networks

In Summer 2022, I conducted research at the University of Southern California as a Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) fellow, 1 of ~40 competitively selected.

I was advised by Assistant Professor Dr. Mayank Kejriwal of the Information Sciences Institute and his PhD student, Ke Shen.

I conducted a research project within the field of network science, exploring whether lower-order and higher-order networks displayed correlations in their centrality features in real-world network datasets, and what these correlations can tell us about the dataset relationships.

My research was presented at the SURE Undergraduate Research Symposium. You can find my poster here.

I am grateful to Dr. Kejriwal and to Ke for accepting me into their research team, teaching me the ways of network science (a brand new field to me), and mentoring me throughout the summer.